Employers "Climber"

If the business you want to continue to exist, there is nothing wrong if we becomeentrepreneurs "Climber"I was really astonished, when reading the inaugural speech of Prof. Dr. dr.Day K. Lasmono, MS, Professor of Psychology Faculty of Psychology, University ofSurabaya some time ago. He revealed that, for we can succeed inbusiness and careers, not enough to rely solely on IQ (Intelligence Quotient) and EQ(Emotional Quotient). But also AQ (Adversity Quotient).Why AQ important? According to HR expert, Paul G. Stoltz, PhD, AQ iscombination of IQ and EQ. So AQ could we interpret as mental reliability.Meanwhile, Daniel Goleman has said, many employers a high IQ, butits rapid fall. Being, that her IQ mediocre thrive. Then, heEmotional intelligence introduced (EQ). Where EQ reflects our abilityempathize with others, will control the heart, and self-awareness. So thatGoleman believes EQ is more important than IQ.But in reality, such as IQ, not everyone takes advantage of the EQ.Due to lack of valid measures and definitive method to learn, make EQ elusive. In fact, some high-IQ and EQ have all aspects,was going to fall also. That is why Stoltz, dare say, that IQ andEQ does not determine one's success, although they playrole. So, why entrepreneurs can survive, even in times of economic crisisthough, is another entrepreneur who gave up an average of smart crisis caused by the storm? AQthat's the key.To understand the AQ, we describe a mountain climber. There are 3category, the first is the "Climber". This type of person, will continue to climb untilpeak without considering any further gains or losses,misfortune or fortune. Types of entrepreneurs "Climber" is, also tendsnever question the age, gender, race, physical or mental disability, orother obstacles to reach the height of his success.The second type is the entrepreneur "Camper". He compromised his life.He worked hard but only to the extent that he could do. Actual successbe achieved better, but he tends to not want to achieve it. He wasquite satisfied with what has been achieved.Finally the third type, the employer "Quitter" is also compromised his life,but do not try as hard as "Camper". He would prefer an easy business, withoutturmoil. But, if the businesses are facing difficulties, it tends to be more easilydepressed, or frustrated. In short, whether consciously or not, employers "Quitter" morechose to flee from the ascent. In fact, he actually has the potential toachieve success.By looking at the above three types of entrepreneurs, I would argue that if we wantexist as a businessman, then we should be trying to become entrepreneurs"Climber" and not "Camper" and "Quitter". Because, just type "Climber" whichcan really fill his life. because they have strong feelingsachieve the objectives and spirit to do so. For him, there's no turning backin his dictionary. He has a wisdom and maturity to understand whenshould go forward and when to retreat.However, "Climber" is also human. Sometimes they have doubts,loneliness and questions in the struggle. Because it is not surprising sometimesentrepreneur type "Climber" also joined the "camper" to reflect back,recharge the energy to fight anymore. while the entrepreneur type "Quitter" chooseto not do anything. Well, how do you own, want to choose which type. "Ngundung", why not?In each of us in the business of any kind, spiritual intelligence we need tohave, in addition to IQ, EQ, and AQ. Therefore, spiritual intelligence will make us bold"Ngudung".Apparently we are not only armed with enough intelligence quotient (IQ) andemotional intelligence (EQ), to be successful, both in business and career.We also need to have the intelligence of adversity (AQ). Therefore, it would allowwe are better able to cope with the challenges in business, though it needs a lot of energy,dedication and sacrifice.In the same breath with the development of the business itself, it recently rolledopinion which states, career and business success, it still needs moreequipped with spiritual intelligence and spiritual intelligence (SQ). Whyso? Because, in this spiritual intelligence contained in many aspects, such asaspects of courage, optimism, creativity, flexibility, and visionary.In my opinion, it should do so. With us also havespiritual intelligence, then we tend to be more courageous "ngudung" (Javanese Language:run with perseverance) in each of the business of any kind. We also do noteasy to feel on every business decision we make. In fact, I daresay, that if we want as a businessman and leader, thenshould indeed have a good spiritual intelligence.Bold "ngudung", I mean above, may contain termsthat the nerve of that because we have spiritual intelligence. Meanwhile, "ngudung" him,because we have the intelligence of adversity (AQ). That way, we will be more willing togo ahead. Not easily swayed by negative issues on either side. So,I would venture to conclude, bold "ngudung" It is a combination of aspectsadversity intelligence and spiritual intelligence.I believe it will make us even more excited in the business.There is no better word, except: "I will continue to move forward." Withwe dare "ngudung" will make us not give up easily. Since we havebelieve on ourselves and not bother other people's opinions onbusiness that we choose and live.With bold "ngudung" will make us creative, and not afraid to fail.In fact, we are willing to try again and never give up. Anyway, "ngudung" go ahead.That way, we will have the power supple. In fact, sometimes we do not see failure as failure, but we just assume that is not merely a small hurdlereassure us in business success.To realize the courage "ngudung", we should want to dospiritual approach. I believe, is where there is a conscience which is the truthtrue. Thus, if our conscience really want to do something, then wehad to be convinced, that the business will run and we are now, notto deceive. What we are doing, actually not just toself-interest, but also has social significance because of the work of our business somany welfare of others.
