The Right Brain That Important
It is time we rely on the right brain, although previously we teachers moremany left-brain teaching.The right brain is more important at this time. Not because we are "envious"with the left brain, but because it felt really needs, especially byentrepreneur. Moreover,
because the science of management that had been there, which is based
more on logic and rational, was not always able to overcome everybinis issue.And, why should the right brain? Therefore, in the right brain that is loaded withthings that are experimental, divergent, not judgment, metaforilal, subjective,non-verbal, intuitive, diffuse, holistic, and receptive. While we acknowledge that the left hemispheretend to be objective, precise, active, logical, verbal, assessment, linear, convergent,and numerically. In fact, if we are able to empower the right brain, then theretendency will be able to solve every problem in the business, ifthan if we rely solely on the left hemisphere.With us to empower the right brain, then any breakissues in business, we will be able to see in its entirety, and thensolving based on a hunch, suspicion, or intuition. Intuition is the abilityto accept or be aware of information that can not be accepted by the five senseswe.There seems to be that concerned with intuition, because they think intuition can bepreclude rational thought. Actually it is based on the notion of intuitionrational and can not function without it. I agree with RobertBernstrin, who said that only intuition can protect us from peopleThe most dangerous people, people who are unable to work and just a clevertalk.Then? An entrepreneur who is able to empower his right brain,usually also tend to prefer the structured management of flexible and spontaneous, andthe structure of the same nature.Another case when he relied more on his left brain. Then he would be moretend the hierarchical structure and the management conditions of the structure.Relying on left brain also tends to make the settlement of a problem solvedby one based on logic.This fact we experienced when the study first. Taught us more orteachers trained by us to always think with the left brain. For example, we have always demandedlogical thinking, analistik, and based on educational thought. Though it is noweaknesses. We can not use it, if the data is not available, data is not complete,or difficult to obtain data.So, if we include the category of left hemisphere and did not do a particular effortto include some right-brain activity, it will cause an imbalance. Imbalance can lead to mental healthand poor physical, such as stress easily, easily discouraged or demoralized.But with the right brain we are able to empower us, we will alsomore intuitive in the face of any problems that arise. Of course it isdifferent from those that rely solely on the left hemisphere, which tends to beanalytical. Clearly, both hemispheres are equally important. If we are able toThe second use of the brain, then we will tend to be "balanced" in every aspectlife, including business.How about a reality in our daily business, often stillrequired to decide, choose, and make decisions, of somealternative that the factors are unknown? Of course, if our thought processesstill dominant left hemisphere tends to be logical, linear, and rational, of course weoffering dozens of choices.Conversely, if our thought processes to the right brain dominant tend to random,irregular, and intuitive, I am sure we will enthusiastically chose a strongselection and successful. So, there's nothing wrong if we want to empower the right brain.
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