

thers take advantage of the Brain

Being number one in our own company, it is able. But not to all business activities, we run itself. Grateful for what we get from the business, though not as big as originally hoped for, I guess, it's important. At least, this is a step we The first to be a wise entrepreneur. But, of course, we still have the will to develop our business optimally.  Thus, our result  will also be able to get more leverage, although competition in the increasingly complex business world. To that end, we may not just simply take advantage of our brain itself, but is just as well take advantage of other people's brains. Therefore, we must realize true, that after the business that we feel expand fast enough, and we become the number one in our company founded, of course, could not all activities business can be run with our own brains. So, naturally when we use other people's brains, which by E. Williams Heinecke, author of "The Entrepreneur and the 21

Optimism Entrepreneur

Real courage to cultivate an entrepreneur in business, lies in the optimism. In any difficult economic situation, I think an entrepreneur or entrepreneurs have to remain optimistic in business wrestle. Because, really courage to cultivate an entrepreneur in the business is located at optimism. By remaining optimistic, we will stay motivated and brightest in exploit every business opportunity. Not the other way, pessimistic. Therefore, the pessimistic attitude that will make the spirit we become self-employed fell. That kind of thing that would definitely hurt us. I think it fair when the mengeluti our business, there are problems that arise on a daily basis. Just how each of our attitudes. When we deal not with a fresh mind, by not optimistic, then of course we will be faced with the complicated state of mind, too tense and could eventually stress yourself. In fact, our idea or a brilliant idea suddenly stop, and eventually spread to a lack of confidence. So in any attempt to nego

Motivation in the Middle of Chaos

Like it or not, we must be brave, berakrab-familiar with chaos. Fast-paced change and we feel really messed up right now, and we see, that these changes occur almost from every aspect. As a manager or entrepreneur, we end up not just good at kicking the ball alone, which can be positioned at will whatever we like them so easily. But we also must be like kicking the cat. Was the cat can jump and run. Thus, not surprisingly, then science is the actual management was not longer able to cope with the disorder. The chaos that means many uncertainties. Today has nothing to do with previous day. The future seems so uncertain, unpredictable. Condition This kind of makes us live in the era spike curve, is not linear and not abysmally. Thus, knowledge and experience can not ultimately guarantee the success of our business in the future. If it be the case, I dare say, that we do not need longer memorize the management sciences are merely theoretical. We just need more creative asked. Because

Creative Entrepreneur

If you dare to be different, it means you have an entrepreneurial spirit. Entrepreneur world is its own unique world. That is why entrepreneur or entrepreneurs demanded always creative every time. With creativity, not unlikely to prove that he actually has an image independence stunning because many people admire him, and will further followed. Indeed, we recognize that being a creative entrepreneur in the current economic crisis is a daunting challenge. Described, someone who would plunge be a creative entrepreneur, he has to work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Such a thing is he must do at least for a period of approximately 2 Struggling first-year non-stop with various physical and psychological pressure. Moreover, in the conduct of modern business, it may not be able to live and develop without the ability to create something new every day. although it is just a combination of various elements that already exist, into the The new forms are different. Of creativity will emerge go

Employers "Climber"

If the business you want to continue to exist, there is nothing wrong if we become entrepreneurs "Climber" I was really astonished, when reading the inaugural speech of Prof. Dr. dr. Day K. Lasmono, MS, Professor of Psychology Faculty of Psychology, University of Surabaya some time ago. He revealed that, for we can succeed in business and careers, not enough to rely solely on IQ (Intelligence Quotient) and EQ (Emotional Quotient). But also AQ (Adversity Quotient). Why AQ important? According to HR expert, Paul G. Stoltz, PhD, AQ is combination of IQ and EQ. So AQ could we interpret as mental reliability. Meanwhile, Daniel Goleman has said, many employers a high IQ, but its rapid fall. Being, that her IQ mediocre thrive. Then, he Emotional intelligence introduced (EQ). Where EQ reflects our ability empathize with others, will control the heart, and self-awareness. So that Goleman believes EQ is more important than IQ. But in reality, such as IQ, not everyone takes advantage of

The Right Brain That Important

It is time we rely on the right brain, although previously we teachers more many left-brain teaching. The right brain is more important at this time. Not because we are "envious" with the left brain, but because it felt really needs, especially by entrepreneur. Moreover, because the science of management that had been there, which is based more on logic and rational, was not always able to overcome every binis issue. And, why should the right brain? Therefore, in the right brain that is loaded with things that are experimental, divergent, not judgment, metaforilal, subjective, non-verbal, intuitive, diffuse, holistic, and receptive. While we acknowledge that the left hemisphere tend to be objective, precise, active, logical, verbal, assessment, linear, convergent, and numerically. In fact, if we are able to empower the right brain, then there tendency will be able to solve every problem in the business, if than if we rely solely on the left hemisphere. With us to empower th